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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Alert! Ebola Virus 2014 the present outbreak of the world

Are you an international flier or traveler, moving all the way around the world? Be aware of the new “Warning – Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel”. This is the new word we are hearing on news and web since few days. On this planet we have many inventions and discoveries over the science and technology. The international travelling health alert from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges all to avoid nonessential travel to Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone because of an unprecedented outbreak of Ebola 2014.
Ebola virus 2014:
The human brain is high in solving the complex problems but also in creating the toughest problems too with high use of chemicals and different species of unnecessary things in the environment. Now, Ebola virus disease (EVD or Ebola fever is a disease of humans and caused by an ebola virus.  This Virus was first identified in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2013; the World Health Organization reported a total of 1,716 cases and no cases of Ebola virus symptoms in India.
ebola virus
Have a look at Ebola Virus Symptoms:
As a first stage start of two days to three weeks after contracting the virus, with a fever, sore throat, muscle pain and headaches, due to these you have to be alert. In the second stage typically, vomiting, diarrhea and rash follow, along with decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys. At this time, people who have been affected may begin to bleed both within the body internally and externally.
 Be aware of the things how this Ebola virus spreads:
The sources say that the spreading of this virus or air transmitting of this virus hasn’t recorded in the natural environment. When coming to the animals, birds the fruit bats are believed that they can carry and spread the virus without being affected by themselves. If once the human have infected, the spreading or transmitting this disease may between the people increases. According to the genders the male survivors may be able to transmit the disease via sex or semen for nearly two months. According to the diagnosis, other diseases with similar symptoms such as malaria, cholera and other viral hemorrhagic fevers are first excluded, to confirm the treatment the patient should go under various blood tests for the virus.
 Preventive measures from Ebola Virus:
As a prevent process, it includes the preventing measures will decrease the spread of disease from infected animals to humans. The prevention steps to be taken those animals for infection and killing, properly disposing of the bodies if the disease is discovered. Mostly the causes would be like handling meat and bodily fluids with wearing protective clothing and washing hands when around a person with the disease. We don’t have a specific treatment for this disease is yet available. The efforts to help those who are infected are supportive by giving either oral re-hydration therapy (slightly sweet and salty water to drink). This ebola virus disease can be considered as a high risk of death between 50% – 90% infected with this virus.

What is the Ebola virus, and how worried should we be?

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