Whatsapp Calling is not as cheap as you think
Today, people go to social media. From small children to everybody, everybody has phones today. WattsApp offers features to replace users today.
Users believe that calling through free offers through WhatsApp. But WhatsApp does not make the phone more fun but the pocket is hot.
Today, anyone who is listening to a free word gets attracted towards it. But no item is available in free, only free is the tag. In the same way, the name of Freya in Watts has been a part of the game. Yes yes You are free to do what you call on WhatsApp. But in fact it consumes your data so quickly that you do not know about it yourself.
You need to have your mobile data connection for WhatsApp calls, depending on the data connection, WhatsApp users can call other WhatsApp connections in the world. People are making more calls to the calls in the free call name. This explanation came from an exploration
The AndroidPit test has revealed that you make a call through WhatsApp calls, which means that the call will be 1.3 MB on LTE. Data is spent every minute. This figure can reach 600 KB. If you take this look, then 1 GB of monthly data pack will be lost in 12 hours. Which is equivalent to a 22-minute Traditional Calls per day. Whatsapp calling proves to be more expensive than traditional calling
Take a look at the fact that the traditional call you make on your phone depends on your scheme. Against this, WhatsApp calls your data plan to eat quickly. According to the AndroidPit test, there is a range of 800 KB to 1.3 MB, with an average of 960 KB per minute. It gives an average of 600 Kb per minute to the Android system. Now if you calculate the average of these two figures, then it is 800 KB per minute, so if you see this, there is nothing for WhatsApp calls. Now focusing on it, a conclusion suggests that Whatsapp Voice Calling is more expensive than Traditional Calling
Users believe that calling through free offers through WhatsApp. But WhatsApp does not make the phone more fun but the pocket is hot.
Today, anyone who is listening to a free word gets attracted towards it. But no item is available in free, only free is the tag. In the same way, the name of Freya in Watts has been a part of the game. Yes yes You are free to do what you call on WhatsApp. But in fact it consumes your data so quickly that you do not know about it yourself.
You need to have your mobile data connection for WhatsApp calls, depending on the data connection, WhatsApp users can call other WhatsApp connections in the world. People are making more calls to the calls in the free call name. This explanation came from an exploration
The AndroidPit test has revealed that you make a call through WhatsApp calls, which means that the call will be 1.3 MB on LTE. Data is spent every minute. This figure can reach 600 KB. If you take this look, then 1 GB of monthly data pack will be lost in 12 hours. Which is equivalent to a 22-minute Traditional Calls per day. Whatsapp calling proves to be more expensive than traditional calling
Take a look at the fact that the traditional call you make on your phone depends on your scheme. Against this, WhatsApp calls your data plan to eat quickly. According to the AndroidPit test, there is a range of 800 KB to 1.3 MB, with an average of 960 KB per minute. It gives an average of 600 Kb per minute to the Android system. Now if you calculate the average of these two figures, then it is 800 KB per minute, so if you see this, there is nothing for WhatsApp calls. Now focusing on it, a conclusion suggests that Whatsapp Voice Calling is more expensive than Traditional Calling